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Saturday, October 24, 2009

just a lil bit of what i'm working on.

A cold winter night

She was staring out the window waiting for him to come home. Where was he? She glanced at the clock. . She had made his favorite meal; steak and mashed potatoes and even bought him some orange slice, his favorite. Rubbing her hands up and down her arms, she suddenly shivered. The temperature was dropping steadily and the icy fingers of winter were reaching for her as if to drag her in and not let her go. Turning to go into the kitchen again, she suddenly heard the front door slam. Looking up in fright, she saw a person all covered in white. She screamed only to see the person start shaking off his coat. Then a deep rumble of laughter started as she realized it was her husband. Laughing hysterically, she raced to him and kissed him. "Tom, I was so worried about you. What took you so long?" Hush, hush, Rebekah. No need to worry, I had to run by the grocery store and get you a few things like....." Like, what?! She exclaimed excitedly. Laughing, he finally said, "chocolate." She let out a squeal and gave him a hug. "Thank you. You have no idea how happy this makes me." Her auburn hair shimmered in the candlelight and her green eyes sparkled. She was his beautiful lover and friend. His wife, the one he would always love. She served him with delight and then they both sat down at the kitchen table to enjoy an anniversary dinner together. They were celebrating their 2nd year as newlyweds. It seemed like just yesterday they were archenemies, and now here they were, newlyweds. What a blessed miracle it had been. She thought she would never marry him.
"Tommy pulled my hair daddy. He is so mean. "Brushing angry tears aside, she flung herself into her daddy's arms. "There, there sweetheart; nothing to worry about. He is just being a silly little boy." Now, how would you like to go have dinner with me tonight. Your mom is working at the school and it can just be the two of us. "Ok, daddy." Rebekah smiled through her tears. Daddy was the most handsome man she knew. His warm crinkly blue eyes, and sandy brown hair and his bear hugs warmed her heart. Rebekah was a beauty just like her mom. Auburn hair, green eyes, and a temper to match but a sweet personality to make up for it. She loved to read and cook little things for him to tempt his appetite. She was in 1st grade at Berry Elementary School in West Tulsa.

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