dark and crimson wine
washes my tongue
soothes the tattered
edge of my nerves
left by the tearing
dispute, misunderstanding
words ricochet against
the walls in my head
untamed, scattered, tangled
I fight to sort them
press them to make sense
they refuse.
in this teeming place
cigarette smoke gathers
overhead like the fog
clouding my heart
choking me, making it
difficult to breathe
questions that resist answers
fill my mouth, barricaded
at my lips by fear and disbelief
I sway unintentionally
in time with the music
I’m not really listening
still it moves me subliminally
fuels this restless anxiety
deep in my body I discern
a longing to break free
make a break for the door
escape into icy winter night
where the wind will rake
against my chest, grip my heart
with its bony fingers, forcing
me to feel raw, sensate reality
to loose the emotional flood
dammed inside my walled heart
burst the walls, let questions
escape in a torrent
but fear sits on my lap
weights me to my seat
if not for this pen, I would be
totally silent, avoiding chaos
that threatens to spill
from my weary heart
© TaunaLen 2009
All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of all content is prohibited without prior written consent.
10 Ways to Say “This Novel Isn’t What You Think”
photo adapted / Horia Varlan
After a string of heavy reads last fall, I wanted to get swept away in some
pure entertainment. I figured the light pink, fl...
1 day ago
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