The pain of life surrounds you and you scream for someone to hear
Hold on to my love, Child. I'm here. Don't be afraid.
Hating the hurt and rejection you feel wanting to break free
The only way you can is if you look to Me.
I want you to have an abundant life.
I promised that for you and yet you turn away and do the things you do.
My heart breaks and my tears fall.
I have given You my all. I have your best in mind.
Though the pain cuts deep and the tears don't cease.
I will bring you through this. I will walk with you.
- God-
10 Ways to Say “This Novel Isn’t What You Think”
photo adapted / Horia Varlan
After a string of heavy reads last fall, I wanted to get swept away in some
pure entertainment. I figured the light pink, fl...
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